Så kom det uunngåelige. Etter den slitsomme kampen hvor Porsche forsøkte å kjøpe VW, ble gjelden for tung. Nå kjøper VW i stedet Porsche, og resultatet er at Wendelin Wiedeking går av. Han tok over roret i 1992, og får æren for å ha reddet merket fra en høyst usikker fremtid. I en pressemelding fra Porsche, fremgår det at han ønsker å donere en del av sin fallskjerm på 50 millioner Euro til ulike formål.
Press-Information No.
Statement of Dr. Wendelin Wiedeking
Stuttgart. Personal reasons but also my responsibility towards society have led to my decision to donate a material amount of money for social purposes.
As a sign of my outstanding relation with longterm members of staff and companions I aim to establish a charitable organisation in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen where the headquarter of Porsche AG is located. With the support of the Porsche union representatives the trust shall be equipped with liquid funds of Euros 25 million and supports/aim at ensuring a socially fair development at all Porsche sites.
Furthermore I will donate to the social fund of Landespresse Baden-Württemberg e.V., the trust of Hamburger Presse and the society of the Verein Kollegenhilfe niedersächsischer Journalisten e.V. a lump sum of euros 500.000 each. According to the goals of the organisations outlined in their respective articles of association the donations should serve as a support for elderly and suffering journalists.
Over and above this I will invest in projects, targeting at creating jobs in Germany. I do pay my taxes in Germany with roughly half of my income being transferred to the state.
The foundation in Zuffenhausen shall complement my two existing charitable trusts in Beckum/Westfalia and Bietigheim-Bissingen, together equipped with a cash donation of Euros ten million.
23 July 2009