Saturday, August 29, 2009
Normalt er hovedoppslaget i Finansavisen Motor alltid testet, denne uken ble et unntak. Det vil drøye før vi tester den, og bilen er såpass viktig at den ble prioritert til topps uten test. Spedd på artikkelen med det jeg fant av ekstra opplysninger om RS, er fornøyd med resulatet.
Merker at det er stille før stormen. Om drøyt to uker (17-27 sept) smeller den store IAA-utstillingen i gang i Frankfurt. Allerede kommende uke vil nok de første dryppene bli offentliggjort (slik Porsche har gjort med GT3 RS og Cup de siste ukene), uken deretter vil det fosse på på med "nyhetssprekker". Det som blir spennende, er hvorvidt bransjen har heist seg selv opp etter håret. Pilene peker som kjent svakt oppover igjen, og vi skal ikke se bort fra overraskelser. Jeg er blant annet svært spent på BMWs Vision-konsept.
Stefan Roser
Rufs legendariske testsjåfør fra ulike filmer, deriblant klassikeren med CTR. Her skremmer han vannet av noen stakkarer som sitter på. To detaljer som gjør det verd å se filmen alene - vi får se Roser himself, og røykteppet som henger etter Rt12en i svingene og skimtes gjennom inboardkameraet. Jeg garanterer at det ikke er røyk fra motoren!
I påvente
Ryktene surrer om hva neste GT2 vil bringe. Walter Röhrl fortalte meg under GT3-lanseringen at den nye blir brutalt rask. Og mannen burde vite, siden han også kunne fortelle at han hadde vært med på innledende avstemning.... Her dagens modell som soleklart er en av de ypperste kanonene du får for penger. Greit å huske når den nye kommer.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Innrømmer gjerne at sterke småbiler treffer gamle nerver. Og syns dagens versjoner absolutt har noe for seg. Allround-egenskapene er umulig å matche til prisen - om man tenker nytt. AMS har gjort et godt valg til denne testen.
En av mine absolutte Nordsløyfe-favoritter; Jürgen Alzen i 996 Turbo, ofte referert som "Turbinchen" av mimrete tyskere. Ikke uten grunn. Det ligger flere videoer av samme kaliber på youtube.
Blast from the past
Tyske Motor-Klassik har skrevet om denne store ungdomskjærligheten. ABT Golf GTI fra 1982 med turbokittet som ga 163 HK i 1,6-literen. Og ikke minst karosseret som var breddet for å romme felgene på 7x13 med steike galt innpress (BMW?). Kledd med svulstige 205/60x13 var man konge den gang. RIP ex -77 GTI med trimmet 1,8-liter.....snufs.
Ingen skal noensinne høre meg klage over "tung" MC igjen. Hvor mye veier Viper-V10eren alene? Makan.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Oppriktig og ærlig - jeg håper SAAB overlever med nytt blod. Gi oss moderne varianter av 99 Turbo, EMS og Viggen. Rock me! I mellomtiden denne nye TV-kampanjen.
Jaaaahaaaa. Mer info om 458 Italia
"Prezentacion de Itttalia waaay". Er det bare meg, eller er denne videoen klin amatørmessig av Ferrari???
Dette er bedre:
Maranello, 27 August 2009 – In the run-up to the official unveiling of the Ferrari 458 Italia at the Frankfurt Motor Show on the 15th of September, enthusiasts can find out more about the car on There they will find the first photographs of the 458 Italia's interior and of the steering wheel and instrument binnacle which represent a significant step forward in the concept of the ergonomic interface between driver and car.
In fact the main commands are now grouped on the steering wheel, the secondary commands are handily set in two satellite pods either side of the dash and there are now comprehensive instrument displays on the panel ahead of the driver. These solutions represent an important safety aspect, enabling the driver to concentrate fully on driving. Similarly this layout ensures maximum control of the car in highperformance driving, an uncompromising approach that derives directly from Ferrari's F1 experience.
Working closely with the Ferrari Styling Centre, the engineers have thus reinterpreted the positioning of the major commands to provide a truly driver-oriented cockpit. All steering-column mounted stalks have been eliminated, with the indicators, full beam, flash and windscreen wiper functions now being activated by buttons on the steering wheel boss. The button to select the shock absorber setting is now positioned next to the 'Engine start' button where it falls readily to hand. Behind the wheel are a number of secondary functions, such as the stereo, while the gearbox paddles are now longer making shifts even easier from any steering angle.
The right-hand satellite pod on the dash incorporates controls for the infotainment, the Bluetooth connection, sat-nav, digital speedo and rear parking camera. Clustered on the left-hand satellite pod instead are the optional cruise control, buttons for choosing the video setting of the left-hand dash TFT screen and the on-board computer interface. The latter controls the trip computer, the Vehicle Dynamic Assistance and the display of the car's set-up.
The Vehicle Dynamic Assistance monitors the operating parameters of the most important areas of the car - engine/gearbox, tyres and brakes. The VDA is enabled in the following manettino settings – Race, CT off and CST off – and provides visual confirmation of the status of each component based on an algorithm from parameters reading lateral and longitudinal acceleration, revs and speed. This enables the driver to assess the ideal operating conditions for the car. There are three status settings: WARM-UP (operating temperature too low), GO (ideal operating conditions) and OVER (one or more components are no longer at their optimum level and need cooling).
Dette er bedre:
Maranello, 27 August 2009 – In the run-up to the official unveiling of the Ferrari 458 Italia at the Frankfurt Motor Show on the 15th of September, enthusiasts can find out more about the car on There they will find the first photographs of the 458 Italia's interior and of the steering wheel and instrument binnacle which represent a significant step forward in the concept of the ergonomic interface between driver and car.
In fact the main commands are now grouped on the steering wheel, the secondary commands are handily set in two satellite pods either side of the dash and there are now comprehensive instrument displays on the panel ahead of the driver. These solutions represent an important safety aspect, enabling the driver to concentrate fully on driving. Similarly this layout ensures maximum control of the car in highperformance driving, an uncompromising approach that derives directly from Ferrari's F1 experience.
Working closely with the Ferrari Styling Centre, the engineers have thus reinterpreted the positioning of the major commands to provide a truly driver-oriented cockpit. All steering-column mounted stalks have been eliminated, with the indicators, full beam, flash and windscreen wiper functions now being activated by buttons on the steering wheel boss. The button to select the shock absorber setting is now positioned next to the 'Engine start' button where it falls readily to hand. Behind the wheel are a number of secondary functions, such as the stereo, while the gearbox paddles are now longer making shifts even easier from any steering angle.
The right-hand satellite pod on the dash incorporates controls for the infotainment, the Bluetooth connection, sat-nav, digital speedo and rear parking camera. Clustered on the left-hand satellite pod instead are the optional cruise control, buttons for choosing the video setting of the left-hand dash TFT screen and the on-board computer interface. The latter controls the trip computer, the Vehicle Dynamic Assistance and the display of the car's set-up.
The Vehicle Dynamic Assistance monitors the operating parameters of the most important areas of the car - engine/gearbox, tyres and brakes. The VDA is enabled in the following manettino settings – Race, CT off and CST off – and provides visual confirmation of the status of each component based on an algorithm from parameters reading lateral and longitudinal acceleration, revs and speed. This enables the driver to assess the ideal operating conditions for the car. There are three status settings: WARM-UP (operating temperature too low), GO (ideal operating conditions) and OVER (one or more components are no longer at their optimum level and need cooling).
McLaren var ikke bare en superbil uten like. Den brukte konkurrentene i racing som feiekoster også. Legg merke til den snedige plasseringen av kameraer og reklame i videoen hvor det meste stemmer.
Kanonlyd for hver dollar
Lyden i Hennesseys 705-hesters ZR1 er hinsides det meste. Bør spilles med høy lyd....
Audi R8 LMS
Bilen som Audi vil ha til topps i GT3-klassen. Optimalisert på alle måter; fra den midtmonterte V-tieren på 500 HK til et ingeniørkorps som kan det meste om racing.
Aston Martin One-77
Stopper opp og kjenner etter. One-77 rakk jeg ikke å tenke for mye på ved presentasjonen tidligere. Prøver å forstå Astons tankegang med denne unike bilen. Kjenner dragning mot både godt og vondt. Tøft eller snålt? Uansett viser den nok vei for produkter som kommer etter, motormessig lover det godt med en V12 på 700 HK.
BONUS: Høyoppløste bilder av 997 Cup
Forstår at mange liker bilen etter hovedoppslaget i går. Har ikke hjerte til å ikke dele bildene i høy oppløsning. Pressemeldingen med alle specs finner du her:
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Lexus LF-A, full kontroll
Når japanske ingeniører setter seg mål, kan det ofte klaffe foruroligende bra. Lexusfolket er drevne, her fra en runde på Nordsløyfa med skarpskodde Lexus LF-A. Bilen er bygd for racing med en V10 på cirka 500 HK, og har i år blant annet deltatt i årets 24-timer på banen. Jeg tror dette bare er starten på noe større.
Du kan se vannet renner ut av dørene
Når stresset overgår overgår fornuften. Men Honda skal ha kreditt for å ha plassert åndingen høyt...
Gumpert vs 997 Cup VLN 2009
Dette er en artig video. En driftig sjel har satt sammen klippet som viser forskjellene mellom disse to kamphanene. Gumpert-klippet er hentet fra den nye rekordtiden på Nordsløyfa, Cupbilen kjører løp. Gjett hvem som er raskest.
Griselekker GT3 RS-konfigurator
Porsche har virkelig anstrengt seg for å gi en superopplevelse av nye RS. Hvis du forstår at det er inne på nettsiden det foregår da. Jeg prøvde den virtuelle turen og fikk et knippe nye bilder som ikke finnes på mediatilgangen. Dessuten ligger det mange lekre skrivebordsbakgrunner der. Pussig med tanke på at de opererer med en sperrefrist på flere pressebilder. Den ligger under
Her er "mine" bilder.
Her er "mine" bilder.
FROZENSPEED: Nye Radical-bilder
Jochen i Frozenspeed (du visste at han har flyttet til Nürburgring for å gi 100 prosent som "vår" mann der nede?) har vært snill og sendt noen bilder fra rekordkjøringen.
Trenger du fotograf der nede for å sikre minner, er Jochen den rette. Han har funnet nye spotter som gir fantastiske bilder. Du finner ham på
Ikke før Porsche har servert GT3 RS, slipper de jaggu også Cup-raceren. Den går i fotsporene til RS med 44 millimeter bredere hekk (fra 4S) og skjermbreddere foran. Motoren er opp til 3,8 liter og yter RS-aktige 450 HK. Derimot skiller den med sekvensiell manuell kasse. Vekten er skarve 1.200 kilo.
Jeg legger like gjerne med hele pressemeldingen, detaljene er mange og viktige for oss med bensin i blodet.
(Klikk - stort og nytt skrivebordsbilde)
This is the first GT3 Cup to feature the 44-millimetre (1.73”) wider body at the rear, providing sufficient space for even larger wheels. Wider wheel arches also at the front clearly show that the front wheels are likewise new.
Engine capacity is up by 0.2 litres over the former model, engine output is 30 bhp more than before. The most important facts and figures: 3.8-litre six-cylinder horizontally-opposed power unit developing 450 bhp (331 kW), sequential six-speed manual gearbox, weight 1,200 kg (2,646 lb), racing version of the 911 GT3 RS.
The new GT3 Cup is clearly recognisable at very first sight through the special looks and design of the front end. The striking daytime driving lights come straight from the current generation of the 911, the front body panels are the same as on the 911 GT3 RS. The front spoiler lip is however 15 millimetres or almost 0.6“ lower to provide significantly more downforce on the front axle. Downforce on the rear axle is also increased by the rear wing extended in width from 1.46 to 1.70 metres (57.5 to 66.9”) and fitted higher up as a feature carried over from the even faster 911 GT3 Cup S in international FIA GT3 racing. The rear air dam with its striking air vent openings as well as the rear lights in LED technology, in turn, come straight from the road model.
The power unit featured in the new 911 GT3 Cup is largely identical to the production engine in the 911 GT3 RS – same output of 450 bhp and same maximum engine speed of 8,500 rpm. Capacity of the Cup engine, however, is up from 3.6 litres on the former model to 3.8 litres on the new car, helping to increase engine power by 30 bhp.
A racing exhaust system with a fully controlled catalytic converter helps to reduce harmful emissions to a minimum. As an exclusive feature in the Porsche Mobil1 Supercup held on the occasion of the FIA Formula 1 World Championship races, the new 911 GT3 Cup comes with a modified, special exhaust system offering an even more dynamic and muscular sound. Another feature exclusive to the Supercup version is PCCB Porsche Ceramic Composite Brakes also available on Porsche’s road models. Compared with the composite cast brake discs featured on the Carrera Cup cars, this reduces the weight of the car by approximately 20 kg or 44 lb.
The wheel arches wider at the front and the flared wheel arches at the rear provide ample space for even wider wheels. Hence, the front axle comes with three-piece light-alloy rims measuring 9.5 J x 18 (previously 9 J x 18) and running on 24/64-18 Michelin racing tyres. The three-piece light-alloy rims on the rear axle are up by one inch in width, now measuring 12 J x 18 and running on 27/68-18 tyres.
Additional Unibal joints are featured on the track control arms and the sword-shaped anti-roll bars front and rear are now adjustable to seven different positions on both sides, allowing an even more precise set-up of the car in accordance with the respective race track.
The cockpit of the new 911 GT3 Cup caters even more than before for the specific needs of the driver. An additional vent in the upper part of the front lid, for example, provides the driver with an even better supply of fresh air. The controls for the Info Display are now positioned directly on the steering wheel housing a total of six switches. And in addition to fore-and-aft adjustment, the steering wheel may now also be adjusted for height as on the regular production car.
The new Porsche 911 GT3 Cup available exclusively in Carrara White will be delivered to customers as of the end of October. In the upcoming season it will be raced in no less than seven cup trophies – not only in the Porsche Mobil1 Supercup on the occasion of Formula 1 races, but also in the Porsche Carrera Cups in Germany, Asia, Japan, and Italy, as well as the GT3 Cup Challenges in the USA and the Middle East.
Jeg legger like gjerne med hele pressemeldingen, detaljene er mange og viktige for oss med bensin i blodet.
(Klikk - stort og nytt skrivebordsbilde)
This is the first GT3 Cup to feature the 44-millimetre (1.73”) wider body at the rear, providing sufficient space for even larger wheels. Wider wheel arches also at the front clearly show that the front wheels are likewise new.
Engine capacity is up by 0.2 litres over the former model, engine output is 30 bhp more than before. The most important facts and figures: 3.8-litre six-cylinder horizontally-opposed power unit developing 450 bhp (331 kW), sequential six-speed manual gearbox, weight 1,200 kg (2,646 lb), racing version of the 911 GT3 RS.
The new GT3 Cup is clearly recognisable at very first sight through the special looks and design of the front end. The striking daytime driving lights come straight from the current generation of the 911, the front body panels are the same as on the 911 GT3 RS. The front spoiler lip is however 15 millimetres or almost 0.6“ lower to provide significantly more downforce on the front axle. Downforce on the rear axle is also increased by the rear wing extended in width from 1.46 to 1.70 metres (57.5 to 66.9”) and fitted higher up as a feature carried over from the even faster 911 GT3 Cup S in international FIA GT3 racing. The rear air dam with its striking air vent openings as well as the rear lights in LED technology, in turn, come straight from the road model.
The power unit featured in the new 911 GT3 Cup is largely identical to the production engine in the 911 GT3 RS – same output of 450 bhp and same maximum engine speed of 8,500 rpm. Capacity of the Cup engine, however, is up from 3.6 litres on the former model to 3.8 litres on the new car, helping to increase engine power by 30 bhp.
A racing exhaust system with a fully controlled catalytic converter helps to reduce harmful emissions to a minimum. As an exclusive feature in the Porsche Mobil1 Supercup held on the occasion of the FIA Formula 1 World Championship races, the new 911 GT3 Cup comes with a modified, special exhaust system offering an even more dynamic and muscular sound. Another feature exclusive to the Supercup version is PCCB Porsche Ceramic Composite Brakes also available on Porsche’s road models. Compared with the composite cast brake discs featured on the Carrera Cup cars, this reduces the weight of the car by approximately 20 kg or 44 lb.
The wheel arches wider at the front and the flared wheel arches at the rear provide ample space for even wider wheels. Hence, the front axle comes with three-piece light-alloy rims measuring 9.5 J x 18 (previously 9 J x 18) and running on 24/64-18 Michelin racing tyres. The three-piece light-alloy rims on the rear axle are up by one inch in width, now measuring 12 J x 18 and running on 27/68-18 tyres.
Additional Unibal joints are featured on the track control arms and the sword-shaped anti-roll bars front and rear are now adjustable to seven different positions on both sides, allowing an even more precise set-up of the car in accordance with the respective race track.
The cockpit of the new 911 GT3 Cup caters even more than before for the specific needs of the driver. An additional vent in the upper part of the front lid, for example, provides the driver with an even better supply of fresh air. The controls for the Info Display are now positioned directly on the steering wheel housing a total of six switches. And in addition to fore-and-aft adjustment, the steering wheel may now also be adjusted for height as on the regular production car.
The new Porsche 911 GT3 Cup available exclusively in Carrara White will be delivered to customers as of the end of October. In the upcoming season it will be raced in no less than seven cup trophies – not only in the Porsche Mobil1 Supercup on the occasion of Formula 1 races, but also in the Porsche Carrera Cups in Germany, Asia, Japan, and Italy, as well as the GT3 Cup Challenges in the USA and the Middle East.
Fra pressemeldingen som er til å like:
This two-seater is designed to accommodate even the most powerful engine currently available in the MINI – and with the 1.6-litre twin-scroll turbocharged power unit carried over from the MINI John Cooper Works, the MINI Coupé Concept offers truly outstanding performance. Maximum output is 155 kW/211 hp, peak torque 260 Newton-metres/192 lb-ft increasing through the Overboost function for a short while to an even more substantial 280 Newton-metres/206 lb-ft. And now the MINI Coupé Concept offers everything it takes to exceed even the supreme performance of the MINI John Cooper Works with this unique power unit.
RYKTEBØRS: MINI med coupé-konsept
MINI feirer 50 år, og det i dag. Disse bildene har dukket opp på nettet i natt, men er ikke bekreftet av BMW/MINI i Europa. Uansett er det høyst troverdig siden 26. august er den dagen den opprinnelige MINIen ble presentert. Det ser ut som den lett vil kunne konverteres til en cab med et tilsvarende formet tak. Kilden påpeker at bilens underdel påminner om en John Cooper Works, noe jeg er enig i. Oppdateringer følger.
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